My friend Pol is one of those people who can whip a gourmet dinner out of thin air: it's an art I greatly admire and will likely never achieve without a lot of painful effort and expensive cooking classes.
Dinner was SO good at her house last night. After Jeff and I picked Tai up from the ferry terminal, the three of us arrived on her door-step and descended upon her dinner table like voracious hyenas.
The warm saki was also very much enjoyed, although I have this talent for splashing things around when they come in tiny little cups. Mea culpa to your table-cloth, my dear. I'm just glad saki is not coloured like red wine.
(Note: As will probably be pointed out to me by close friends reading this, I've been known to splash things out of larger cups as well. I tend to gesture excitedly with my hands when I talk. There is also photographic evidence of me of me holding tea-cups and wine-glasses at dangerously-tippy angles.)
It was a good visit, and it also left me with some new acquisitions:
1)a pirated copy of Shawn of the Dead decorated thoughtfully with dripping blood in red marker: we watched it tonight while Tai's mom was over :)
2) spider mittens to match the socks Pol saw on my blog the other day
3)a book of skewed fairy-tales (like The Co-Dependent Goats Gruff)
4) and at long last (I've been coveting one) a gorgeous garden banner with a sunflower-and-bee motif that my clever friend painted by hand. Alas, it's rolled up under my arm in this photo, but trust me, it's lovely.
It felt like my UnBirthday! :)
I splash no matter what size the cup, sober, drunk, tired, or awake.
It sounds like a good time was had by all.
Sounds like a great time. As for the tablecloth, every table cloth needs a good story to go with it.
I love UnBirthdays. Alice and I are glad they come so often.
Did you like Shawn of the Dead? I saw it a while ago and loved it. There's something priceless about laughing with the chills.
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