Friday, August 19, 2005

Shiny Happy Dream

Last night I dreamed that my friend Pol was the architect of an amazing shimmering building the likes of which had never been seen before. It was elegant and tall and was crowned by a magnificent statue of a golden bird. From this statue, waterfalls streamed all the way down the building to land in a shimmering pool with underwater lights that glimmered and danced.

My friends Tai and Nish and myself were SO proud of our friend! Through her the glory of this creation was ours too. We climbed up to the top of the building and dove all the way down to the pool below, shrieking with adrenalin and happiness. We swam and laughed and complimented our friend's talent.

In waking life, Pol is a talented graphic artist and designer. For as long as I've known her, she has sketched houses and rooms. But only now is my subconscious realizing her full potential apparently.


Pol* said...

I am SO flattered that you would have such a wonderful dream with me in it! I have wished I was an architect, and a car designer and an inventor. But it is true that architecture has always been my first passion... but you KNOW that, don't you!? Thanks again for dreaming my dream.

Misty Moonsilver said...

hmm you look interesting...