Monday, August 22, 2005


I've been going along very calmly this past week, feeling quite organized about my upcoming trip. And now, all of a sudden, about two hours ago, I came down with a case of pre-trip jitters. I'm leaving right after work the day after tomorrow: on the ferry to Vancouver first for a barbecue with friends and then catching a flight to London the next day. Then on to Nairobi.

It's not that I've left everything to the last minute. More or less everything is packed (or in one spot waiting to be packed). The laundry is done. The passports are photocopied. The flight is confirmed (dum-de-dum....half an hour on the phone with Air Canada's light mood music).

It's just that I am in traveller's limbo right now. I feel discombobulated. My mind is already aboard an airplane but I actually have two more shifts of work to get through. It's always this way right before a trip so why does this feeling always take me unawares?

And why must I triple-check everything? It's annoying, even to myself, let alone poor Jeff who has to go over check-lists with me.

I'm trying not to let my little OCD-prone self get all worked up about it. I'm making myself a cup of tea, having a hot bath, and going to bed. I'm hoping that the Larium dreams won't keep me up tonight because I think I really need a good sleep.

Send calming thoughts my way, people! :)


Misty Moonsilver said...

I can imagine. I bet I'll do the have the same jitters a day before my trip to Europe. You must be simply nervous and excited about leaving. It'll only last until you get there.

Tai said...

Yeah, skgurl, the jitters will stop, then the tears will flow!
I should know, I've traveled with her!

Spider Girl said...

Ah yes, Tai, but that's just the jet-lag talking!(yes, I do usually wail 'what was I thinking?!' and sniffle for an hour or two) But THEN, the next day, I bounce out of bed bright-eyed and bushy-tailed and annoying to all those who need their sleep for the rest of the trip.

Mea culpa, my friend! I am such a trial! Come to Italy with me anyway, darling....ciao, bella! :)