Friday, December 02, 2005

Cooking with the Creeper

Oh, why oh why, do I rent bad horror movies? I just know I'll dream about them.

The movie was called "Jeepers Creepers" (a startlingly silly and bad title)and I watched it a couple nights back. These things take a while to sift through one's subconscious apparently...

A friend had recommended it in a cautious way: "It's actually not too bad", he said. "Just don't rent the sequel."

And that's really the only way one CAN recommend movies (outside of a very small group of like-minded folk) that involve demons, zombies, swamp things, or drooling aliens: you admit in a reserved fashion that you didn't find it TOO stupid or bad.

I'll give this particular film some points for being creepy and suspenseful for a good half hour before it degenerated into cheesiness and plot holes. Note to horror film directors: once the audience gets a good look at the creature, it's never as scary.

Anyway, this particular cheesy-movie demon showed up in my dreams last night.

I was in a car with my friends Tai and Kim while the creature from Jeepers Creepers cavorted on the roof. We were screaming and carrying on as girls tend to do in this genre of movie.

Suddenly Kim remembered something very important---the demon would lose its power(as things of this ilk tend to do in this kind of movie situation)if only we didn't feel any fear. Okay, okay, gotta banish fear.


Er...uh...what should we think about?!

"Oooh, ooh, what about chocolate?" says one of us brightly as the creature begins to rend the car roof off.

We all start enthusing about chocolate (and various yummy baked goods) in loud, chatty voices.

The Creeper, sure enough, is confused. "You like to bake?" he growls. "So do I!"

Next thing I know, the dream spirals down to nightmarish depths as we all go on to star in a made-for-television cooking show called "Cooking With the Creeper".

Oooh, my head hurts. I don't even like to cook at the best of times....


blackcrag said...

You do have the strangest mind, my friend. Does this Creeper have hands like Edward Scissorhnds, or something thhat would make him handy in the kitchen? Or was this Creeprer a closet Martha fan?

"You like to bake? So do I!" O, too funny, darlin'.

Skye said...


JM said...

My cousin's son loves Jeeper's Creepers, to the point where he bought the soundtrack. Me? Horror movies creep me out and I do have bad dreams.
However, I didn't rent Jeeper's only be cause of the title. It just sounded too "Hollywood".

Eric said...

Coincidently, last night I dreamt I was in the 5th Aliens movie, if it existed.

It was set in a skyscraper that looked from the outside to be a giant upturned shipping container or a boxcar. I went through the building, running and shooting after the aliens as Ripley and some marines, until all the marines got eaten. After that it was just me running and hiding for my life.

Rachel said...

No scary movies for me thank you!

Mel said...

Me baking is a horror movie in of itself....

Grant said...

The "Think Happy Thoughts" scenario sounds kind of like the old "If you don't believe in it, it can't hurt you." I wonder if that works on bullets?

Besides, aren't the happy thoughts supposed to make you fly in Neverland? I don't think there is a good defense against demons.

Josh said...

That picture is spooky! Enough to keep me away.

Tai said...

If you would have let ME on the roof with him, we wouldn't have had to DO any cooking!

But I suppose I had to drive....

Anonymous said...

Dear Spider

I Live in Brasil (This country whose Capital is not BUENOS AIRES, please) and arrive in here by Blog da Santa, i think all very interesting, i like very much of terror movies and strange movies too (B movies)....congratulations for your blog and sorry for my poor English.....
