I said to a friend recently, "The vacant lot across from my house has been cleared. They're going to build new houses where my blackberry bushes used to be."
She replied, "I know. I noticed that on a satellite image of your neighbourhood."
Could it be true? Could my friend keep tabs on me from outer space? Yes, apparently she can.
The above picture shows my neck of the woods. The big pale shaped box-like thing near the top and in center is the new monster-sized house going in across the stree from me.
I downloaded the free version of Google Earth tonight and have spent a giddy evening soaring and sight-seeing over my town (well, virtually anyway)...ooh, look there's the bridge! There's the college! Hey, what's that lumpy thing? Is this my street? Is that my house?
I could actually see a red car parked out in front of my workplace.
You can also zoom in on other places in the world---the Eiffel Tower, the Great Pyramids, the Hoover Dam, that little restaurant in Italy you remember so fondly, secret UFO landing-sites..the possibilities are endless.
It's a little spooky. This is the basic FREE version, remember. I'm sure the governments of the world shell out a few extra dollars for the upgraded version. I think spies may have it easier nowadays with this new sort of technology.
They can probably zoom in on license plates. They can probably tell you haven't cut your lawn in a while. You may THINK nobody's watching you scratch your bum...
Give them time and they'll know what colour tooth-brush we're using.
Heh heh, just a little healthy paranoia to go with my new toy. :)
I see it! I see your house!
I played with that too. A friend of mine saw it on CNN and tried it. It's really cool, but kinda voyeuristic in a way.
She said the images may not be updated--might be old. Who knows? Like that old 80's song says, "Every move you make, every step you take...I'll be watching you".
I'm not worried about people being able to see my house. I'm worried about them hacking into the controls for the satellite-mounted laser. You just know the scientists attached one before sending it into outer space.
scary, isn't it?
me too tried google earth .. its gud. U knw wht .. google is one of those companies .. which is a threat to humanity .. i mean they create such addictive stuffs .. first ORKUT .. this BLOGSPOt ... abd then GOOGLE EARTH .
AND since we hav a repository of pics .. think in terms of wht amount of spying hav been taing place sice years .... bullshit political games .. finding only ur house is a better option
I've tried it and it didn't work for me, but sounds so very cool. I've have to try it again soon.
friends from outer space will be able to reach us without hassle now. cool.
I have a friend that is obsesses with Google Earth. Makes me want to put a big sign on the roof that says “Keep Out!” Sorry to hear you’re loosing your vacant lot. I’m battling the local government about some woods behind my house right now. Sometimes growth stinks.
I know! I found this toy amazing as well. The best for me was being able to go back to the neighborhood I grew up in in NYC and finding all the new growth there, but still able to pick out my childhood home and school and such.
And I'm on the same page as you are about the paranoia thing ... egad!
u have to pay freakin 400$ to use it
fuckin 400$ dollars
dumb ass nigger said... BLOW ME!!!!!!!!!!
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