Ah, shoes. My friends have different tastes in shoes, as you can see. That's my leg in the foreground with the black dress and pink shoes. But this was an aberration, you see.
I just bought new shoes today. They are black and sneaker-like and delightfully-cushioned. My feet are sighing in contentment. I am a girl who wears comfortable shoes.
Tai is my friend who can wear wild shoes without being crippled in them. She buys the strappiest, pointiest, most teetering shoes she can find, and strides about in them in confidence. I DO own a pair of wild shoes..they are Italian leather and pink and delightfully head-turning (they are coveted by at least two co-workers)...but an hour tops and then I must go barefoot for a while to recover.
The exact opposite seems to be true for Tai. A few years back, the two of us went on a back-packing trip through the British Isles. We hiked and hauled our packs through the cobbled streets of England and Scotland, and up innumerable Irish staircases. There were hills and stairs everywhere. Our rooms in hostels were always twelve flights up. It was imperative that we wear practical shoes. And we did. Both of us.
But after the second day, Tai was groaning in pain and cursing her sturdy hiking boots: "Damn these practical shoes!", she shouted to the skies, rubbing her calf muscles in agony.
For you see, when you wear high-heel shoes constantly, eventually you will get to a point when your leg muscles adapt to them and any attempt to be level-headed and health-conscious about shoes goes for naught.
Luckily, Tai had brought along her heels and once she was back in them she travelled about quite well. Both sets of our feet were happy after that.

This is a picture of the feet of me and two friends. Any guesses who's wearing the red shoes?
I was wearing my uber-comfy Airwalk sk8r shoes in that second picture (the shoe at the top) which CRAPPED OUT on me a mere two weeks later.... a big crack developed across the sole, which let water, dirt and whatever filth collects on city sidewalks seep into my shoe.
So, while Tai still has her fabulous red shoes, my oh-so-sensible-and-arch-supporting runners ended up in the trash. Style AND longevity!
I wanna cry. This reminded me so much of how dearly I miss wearing my version of Tai's shoes! Working in the city you do a lot of walking. Back then I was a real shoe hound, buying two pair almost every payday. The more outlandish they were, the better. The higher the heel, the better. And back then, the bigger platform the better!
Now? My toes are so screwed up from being reshaped (for real) all those years in the pretty, pointy shoes!
If my legs would hold out, I'd wear them all over again, but for the most part, I'm most comfy now in Reeboks. :(
Love the post!
The black shoes with white top stitching look like they could belong to my daughter. Love the red shoes! But...I'm with you. An hour, tops. And though there is a young lady in my classroom who would absolutely love to see me wear them to school, somehow I don't think it's going to happen!
I'm a guy. Four pairs of shoes covers everything. One pair of black shoes for work, one pair of sneakers for the weekend, sandals for the summer, and now, a pair of winter boots for when we get the big white dump. I am ready for all possible occasions, right there.
This just shows what a good friend I am to you, Spider. I am a guy, commenting about shoes.
Love my outlandish heels!
I wasn't aware that you were running a foot fetish site, but I left a comment so that you wouldn't think of your brother as a lurker anymore..although I have been known to skulk...can one skulk on the net
I'm here for the foot fetish site. I can say with 74.68% certainty that I am satisfied with what I've found.
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