I walked into a house the other day and the first thing I saw was a stuffed owl hanging from the ceiling. Startling, no?
It was suspended from a string and twirled slowly around in the breeze from the window, giving one the impression it was circling and watching for prey.
There was definitely a predatory-bird theme going on in this lady's house: Sculptures of eagles. Hawks carved in wood on the coffee table. Beaks and claws in the art on the walls.
I don't know her personally, but from the sounds of it (and her brochure) she is a new-agey hands-on type healer who likes angels.
Strange, but I'm getting a different impression of her persona from her house....
I wonder what my house says about me? Does it reflect me?
Does your house reflect you?
My house looks like a high-speed collision between a second-hand bookstore, an olde tyme junk shoppe, and a computer lab... so to answer your question, yes.
My apartment is very spartan. I have nothing hanging on the walls, and the only thing close to ornamentation is the clock on my desk and Darth Tater (a Darth Vader Mr. Potatohead), both of which were gifts.
I haven't been at 'home' for over three years.
Home is somewhere I want to live, somewhere I plan to stay for more than eight months.
Home is where all my books are on my bookshelves, not stored in boxes in my parent's basement.
Home is where I take care of my many house plants, which are currently thriving under my mother's attention back in B.C.
Home is where I have my kitchen stuff in my kitchen cupboards. Most of my kitchen stuff is also still packed away and a province away.
Most importantly, home is where my great-grandmother's clock ticks on top of one of my bookcases or on the desk my grandmother bequeathed me.
Suffice to say, I haven't found 'home' yet.
My house is full of clutter. Maybe I should clean it. Is clutter a reflection of me?
I thought that owl was real!!! Well ok it IS real but I meant alive, and I thought what a wildlife shot! Haha....
I hope my house right now doesnt say alot about me as we are in the middle of renovations and ow! What a mess! I am all out of stuffed animals though....
I have video game consoles, a bunch of video games, a curio cabinet full of X-men statues and Sin City figures...
Yeah, it is a reflection of my geeky character.
I love this post. I have a thing for owls anyway, and he is sure a beauty - even stuffed!
I think my home speaks of me in some ways, though this is a home I moved into already furnished and decorated. If I had my druthers, I'd have done some things a little differently, but that's what I have my 'office' for. It is in here that my persona screams out. Clutter in one area (my desk) and pinpoint organization in another (my shelves and bookcase). Not sure WHAT that says about me, but it keeps me cozy.
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