I went to a concert of the Cantiamo Chamber Ensemble this past week with my mother.
I've been to many, many Cantiamo concerts and have always appreciated the beauty of their voices.
The last two years I've volunteered as a serving wench at their annual medieval event. The choir sings Italian canticles and love songs from the Middle Ages and jugglers and fire-eaters entertain the dinner guests.
It's worth carrying precarious plates loaded down with the messy leavings of food like venison and quail up and down the creaky staircases of the hall to hear this gorgeous music. And it's worth doing loads and loads of greasy dishes to listen to them rehearse in the room next to the kitchen, primping in their medieval finery. (I should add that if I didn't volunteer I probably wouldn't get to go, as tickets sell out so fast.)
This season's concert(not the medieval event, more of a pre-Christmas theme) was a smaller affair, held in a local church, but was as usual sold-out. Mom and I still got good seats. Tonight's music choices were mainly old Christian spirituals sung gloriously in Latin, pieces like "Plorate Fili Israel" and "Kyrie" and "Os Justi". I've always thought that the best part of going to church was listening to the music.
I sometimes think that if I could change one thing about myself it would be to have a beautiful singing voice. It would be marvellous to open your throat and have melodious songs flowing out without effort.
I used to belong to a church choir, long ago in my high-school days. I wasn't part of the church; I just liked to be part of the music.
I was one of the very few girls who sang in the alto section. Alas, what this mostly meant was I couldn't carry a high note to save my life. I claim kinship with the mystical but croaky songs of the crows and ravens in this regard.
sounds good...
I agree, I would think (since I have never been) the best thing about church is the music. That's why black churches seem more fun.
That is a talent I also wish I had--the ability to sing.
Haha! That's funny--volunteer as a "wench".
Sounds like a great concert! I've secretly always wanted to be a beer wench.
I am with you on the beautiful voice wish...I'd like to think that I can carry a tune but even my small children are on to my lack of talent.
Sounds good :)
hey, I just discovered your blog. Those picture a bit lower are great.
Gonna be back
I have a dog named Raven...she can't sing either :)
Sounds beautiful! I love that type of music. I think I was a wench in a past life.
I am always amazed how much talent such a small place has. I have lived in two big cities now, and neither have had the vibrant arts society or the talent prevalent in the Valley.
If there’s one thing I miss it is the slew of plays, concerts and art exhibitions that are always happening back there. Well, that’s actually the third thing I miss. The first is my friends back there, the second is the view. I definitely miss the mountains. Walking on Goose Spit on a sunny day with the Straight spread out before you and the mountains just off to the side, a light breeze to take the worst of the sun’s heat off… paradise.
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