Thursday, March 02, 2006

Sharks with Frikkin' Laser Beams

Oh dear. The military has thought of something else to spend money on.

Here is a link to an article about the Pentagon hoping to use sharks as spies:

Maybe the military- trained dolphins up and became conscientious objectors?

The poor sharks are already an animal with a unsavoury reputation. They won't improve that little P.R. nightmare by joining Bush & Company --any anti-government types should probably stay out of the water. :)


Tai said...

Oh fer cryin' out loud!

Tim Rice said...

This is a hoot! Thanks for sharing it.

Jade L Blackwater said...

If only they could "decode what the sharks are feeling" to find that they're flipping us all the fin, telling us to "read between the lines you friggin' humans!"

Seriously... wouldn't you think that if the scientists REALLY listened, they'd at least learn that SONAR is harming the wildlife in the oceans, and finally do something about it?...

Sounds fishy to me! (Ok, I'm sorry for the pun, I just couldn't help myself!)

adman said...

exactly how do you make an animate creature "remote controlled" and how do I develop this super power...think of the aplications...a remote controlled army of squirels for inastance...could bring down the axis of evil.

Pol* said...

that's so.......... I don't even have a word for it! I am stunned.

Nabeel said...

ahh @ austin powers .. I hope they come up with another one soon

blackcrag said...

Someone's been taking his Aquaman comics a little tooo seriously. You can tell which one he is... he's wearing a tight orange t-shirt and a green speedo... wait, isn't that Bush in orange and green over there?