I am looking at all the boxes in my basement and garage, full of things to sell at the flea market and my never-ending garage sales, with a weary eye. I need to get in there with a back-hoe and get rid of about half of it. Anything that I haven't sold in the past two years is going to go.
I tend to say "yes" when people ask if I would like to take their junk for my sales. And it just makes sense to take it ALL off their hands. They are relieved that their clutter is out of their lives and I am happy to sort out the wheat from the chaff later on. Trouble is I'm not doing a very good job sorting and things that are broken and just plain unsaleable are stacking up.
And then there's the stuff I'm storing for the daycare where I work. Now that they are finally getting more storage space, it's time for them to have their stuff back. Yay! (It was supposed to be just a temporary measure, but it's been over a year.)
Not that I don't have the space to store it. The upstairs floors in my house have wide-open spaces and I'd HATE for junk to pile up there. I don't like clutter all around me.(Ahem, I'm messy, but it's mostly temporary mess.) It's all hidden down in my cavernous basement and on the huge shelves in my garage.
But I think it's just time to get the chi flowing, ya know?
It's going to feel marvellous to have a few empty shelves.
I think I may be feeling this way because I've just returned from travelling and for the space of, oh, I dunno, a month or two, the travel bug typically lies dormant. I am not yet frantically socking away money to pay for the next plane ticket.
Although I am still thinking about Italy in the spring of 2007, so I will need SOME new knick-knacks to sell before too long.
I'm just going to enjoy the zen of empty shelves for a bit.
Are you SURE you want my hand-me-downs this weekend?
Yes! Yes! Brand -NEW clutter is still very welcome! :)
I can't just drop being a junk merchant like that, you know.
Hmmm... Clearing out the clutter... I got a pick-up truck and know the way to Pigeon Lake... Need a ride?
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