Monday, July 18, 2005

Tea Leaves

Oh, I had a fantastic weekend, full of good conversation, Shakespeare, flamenco and friendship. But I'm so sleepy I'll have to write about it tomorrow I think.

But I had a conversation with Trace this weekend which got me thinking about the Calico Cat Teahouse and my last visit there with friends to have our tea leaves read (and to savour that fabulous mushroom soup they serve too).

What makes a good tea leaf reading? (Or tarot card, palm reading, what have you)..Is it accuracy? Comfort? Comfirmation?
Tell me what you think.

And here's a link to have a virtual tea reading. It's not as fun without the actual tea, but still a nice meditation.

Tea Leaf Reading


Tai said...

Everything about readings are nice (though I do like a certain amount of accuracy, truth be told.)
I'm partial to readings that tell me about my abilities...some times I need to be reminded of all the things I CAN do!

Anonymous said...

Hmm.... a sense of well being a confirmation that all will turn out fine makes the reading an immediate hit with me, but it MUST be backed up with accurate details about me or my family and a semi-accurate prediction or 2. Some of my faves include contact with my deceased father (scary but wonderful)and the words "I see overwhelming joy".
As an afterthought, my last reading left me feeling flat, BUT it was so accurate in time, that I feel like going back to her and telling her she is AMAZING! and holding her hand for a while to say thanks. Does that even make sense?

Pol* said...

Anonymous said...
Hmm.... a sense of well being a confirmation that all will turn out fine makes the reading an immediate hit with me, but it MUST be backed up with accurate details about me or my family and a semi-accurate prediction or 2. Some of my faves include contact with my deceased father (scary but wonderful)and the words "I see overwhelming joy".
As an afterthought, my last reading left me feeling flat, BUT it was so accurate in time, that I feel like going back to her and telling her she is AMAZING! and holding her hand for a while to say thanks. Does that even make sense?