Friday, May 12, 2006

I Blame Pac-Man

Remember when Pac-Man was the height of video-game sophistication?

I do. But I really, really sucked at playing it. Those little pixelated ghosts really annoyed me, the way they'd always run down and slaughter my little yellow pac-man before he even had half a chance to eat the little dots. The game was not dear to my heart.

So how did I get stuck in Grade 8 Home Economics class making an enormous fuzzy Pac-Man cushion? The material was thick yellow plush and wreaked havoc with the needle of my sewing machine. The red corduroy inset for his mouth was complicated. It was an awful first sewing project! Whatever happened to making a tea-towel or an apron?

The only part of the whole project that did not make my thirteen-year-old self weep or curse in despair was gluing the googly eyes to its head. That I could do.

The whole Pac-Man project turned me off sewing. It was not fun, and I was not talented at it. And I make a point of avoiding things which make me feel untalented.

I don't have that cushion anymore, although now I wish I'd kept it. To prove to folks that, under duress, I once operated a sewing machine.

Since then, I've painted and embroidered and decoupaged and sculpted and tried my hand at all sorts of creative endeavours...but will I sew, actually choose material and approach a sewing machine? The prospect makes me break out in a cold sweat.

That's why I'm grateful to friends like Sandra---friends who will hold my hand and guide me through the sewing process with detailed instructions: measure here, cut this length, iron on this interface, pound this grommet, rip this seam....

I was over at her house this evening working on the belt that's part of our dance troupe costume. It's a simple project really, and I was a little embarrassed at my lack of basic sewing knowledge. Again, I blame Pac-Man.

But all the actual sewing is over with now, except for hand-stitching some tassles and feathers on, which is do-able.

I spent a few hours this past week ripping old material scraps into long strips and braiding them into wild rag-tag pieces that will hang down from the velvet belt-panels which are laced together with criss-crossing cord.

We're going for a crazy, colourful, funky tribal look. Our troupe decided that our costume had to be as inexpensive as possible and so we're relying on creativity for this one rather than cash.

Everybody's costume will look a little different. Sandra showed me the black feathers from a boa she is adding to the top of her own. She is also hanging colourful scarves, little bells, and even a little wind-chime from her belt.

It's a work in progress still but I like the way it's looking so far. I wasn't so sure at first when I first heard Sandra's vision of the braids. But yes, I like them.

In fact I'm almost thinking the sewing-gods were looking more kindly upon me tonight. Mind you, the seam-ripper demanded a sacrifice and I wounded myself a little. But I'm in a much better mood than I was in Grade 8 sewing class.


kimber said...

"How did I get stuck...." Simple. We all got stuck with that project -- it was the only choice thrust upon us. At least your PacMan was yellow and had eyes.... mine was bright pink, and as I never got around to gluing the eyes on, it bore no resemblance to PacMan at all!

Great belt! Can't wait to see the whole costume!

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

I could use that Pac-man thing for my retro decor! (My project was an AWFUL purple jumper, that tranformed my chunky body into a svelte dumpy. But the zipper was phenomenal.)

The skirts are AWESOME. I love checking in here.

Crazy Me said...

My mother sewed my home ec project for school because I sucked so badly at it!! I am a MS. Pacman addict. I even bought one of the old stand up arcade games at an auction. I love that thing!!!

Anonymous said...

is this what you are wearing with your jingly underwear?

Spider Girl said...

Yes Melanie, it will prove to be quite an ensemble. :)

Pol* said...

Nice to see the belt... I can't wait to hear how the ensemble comes together.

A Flowered Purse said...

Happy Mothers Day!
LOL on the pac man me and my hubby were doing the patterns from memory in the car!

Tai said...

I'm going to blame my aversion to sewing to the identical PacMan issues as you have.
In fact, wasn't it the same damn class?!?

(BTW, I can't WAIT to see the show!)

K. said...

We made teddy bears as a first sewing project in Home Ec. Equally as difficult and perhaps even more frustrating. I do not sew to this day either.

Josh said...

It looks great. So many colors.

My Home ec project was a wreath that they made more complicated than neccesary just for extra practice. I hated it. But I can use the sewing machine still.

btw I stunk at pac man too. I stuck just to drawing it.

Mathieu said...


wait, ... no, it wasn't in arcades when I was a kid. In fact, when I did see it, I was about 16 and it was kind of a joke...

Can't wait to see that "ensemble"

We did boxers when I was in that class. Of course, I don't have them anymore :)

*throws them away*

JM said...

I was fascinated with Pac Man.

OB Juan said...

We must have been in the same HomeEc class 'cause I remember this stupid project as well....

Of all the things that my dog destroyed, I took great pleasure in watching him destroy the damn PacMan pillow.....