Saturday, April 08, 2006

We're Awfully Industrious


I had a tremendously good time visiting with everybody down Island today---going out for lunch and visiting with Pol and all.

But although the morning was all fun and games and shopping for underwear, in the afternoon, when Tai followed me home, we ended up in my garden for a spot of weeding.

Poor thing.

The wages of being a houseguest at Spider Girl's are that you must work in the garden, you see. Luckily my friend appeared to enjoy herself. Her prescence definitely made the work go faster.

When I was a kid, my parents had a huge vegetable garden, a herb garden, berry bushes, flower-beds. It was huge. My brother and I spent a lot of time weeding in that half-acre. And quite a lot of time bemoaning our plight. My dad claimed that weeding built character, but we were convinced this was patently untrue.

And then my friend Pol(age thirteen) would come over to my house and sigh, "Oh, I wish I could garden too..."

She would happily join me in the corn-patch under the hot sun and weed happily away. Ah, friends: you just wish they'd always be there for you, chatting away merrily and making the job seem fun.

Garden gloves. Check.
Pointy dandelion-killer stick. Check.
Adear industrious friend to talk to. Check.
Basket to throw weeds in the general direction of. Check.

Tai observed my weeding technique with interest :I like to weed fast and furiously and I toss the weeds behind me with abandon. Some land in the basket but most make a little trail along the lawn's edge behind me as if a very localized and miniature tornado had travelled along tearing weeds up as it went. Especially if I'm mulling something over in my head. The more I ponder a problem, the faster the weeds fly. Very therapeutic.

I've recently developed a new weeding plan.

Before, I would walk about the garden, scanning for the biggest weeds or the areas that needed the most attention. I'd flit here and there, doing a little work here and a little work there, but at the end of an hour I'd look around and it would never look as though I'd gotten much accomplished, even though I'd filled several baskets with garden debris.

Now I start in one garden section and move from one side to the other, methodically removing anything unsightly and then turning the earth over with my little garden fork so the earth looks tilled and crumbly and dark. I don't go on to another spot till I'm happy with the one I'm on.

It's a little nit-picky, but it's working for me. The garden is starting to really look good. It doesn't have a lot of things in full bloom except for violets and daffodils and some camellias, but as Tai put it, "I love it when the garden is in the green and waiting..."

I know what she means. All the plants are popping up and stretching out and everything is just breathless, waiting to grow and explode into bloom.


We worked our little tails off, Tai and I!

See how my friend was overcome with exhaustion on my garden bench!

Just as we finished hauling the last basket to the Weed Pile of Doom, the sky opened and the rain began to pour. We retreated to the shelter of my front porch steps and sat watching the garden as the rain hit the ground. The most lovely, fresh green smell rose into the air.

Delicious. Freshly-mowed lawn. Wet dirt.

Tai is planning on staying a whole week in town here. Hmmm....I wonder how many more hours of chores I can get out of my dear friend. (Heh, and she cooked dinner for us later too!)


Mel said...

I like your flower picture - I recently started photographing flowers as well... love it. Cheers... Mel

nicki said...

:) looks like you had a great day :) i think it would be so much fun to hang out in the garden chatting with friends :)

adman said...

I don't even use a basket, straight onto the lawn...By the way, getting back to your earlier post about the weed man lawn (which I mowed yesterday) is 50% buttercups, 30% grass, 10% moss, and 10% Sasha toys (including rocks and sticks)

Valkyrie said...

I've got such a black thumb. I'm almost instant death to plants.

Grant said...

I thought about starting my own garden, but it occurred to me that you can buy fully grown vegetables and I hate yardwork. Besides, I have no need of therapy. :p

Lori Stewart Weidert said...

I have a VERY tiny yard, so small that I opted for an electric mower with an extension cord when it was time to make that purchase.

I've put most of my energy into the inside of the house, but I do fantasize about turning my back yard into a beautiful, tiny, floral oasis, in due time.

BostonPobble said...

enjoy your time with Tai! aren't friends like that the greatest?

blackcrag said...

I always did like your garden, Spider. You've got so many nooks and crannies to it... it makes for interesting viewing.

I too, miss gardening. But if/when ever I visit the Valley again, I fear I wil not lavish my attention on your garden, dear Spider. My mother keeps a list to occupy my time in her garden.

Fortunately, you seem well equipped in finding helping hands.

Happy gardening!

P.S. That last picture? Tai is such a little drama queen, isn't she?

x said...

i love your little blue flowers.
and i want a friend like that too. i don't have a garden but i've got a list of chores

Crazy Me said...

I have a black thumb. I can't keep any kind of plant alive. I'm jealous!!!!!

kimber said...

Looking at Tai in the last picture, I feel I must ask....

How many bottles of wine were consumed in the course of the afternoon? (One must keep up one's strength when confronted with hard manual labour, you know. Weeding is thirsty, thirsty work!)

K. said...

I need a friend like Tai! Maybe she will be my buddy too? ;)

Mz.Elle said...

Mmmm,it sounds so wonderful!
Enjoy your visit with Tai!

JM said...

Your father is right in a way. I think gardening as a whole builds character.

Pol* said...

great pics, to illustrate the great tale! I agree with Kimber, you did at least ply your helper with a bit of vino, I hope?

Tim Rice said...

Ah, garden work. The weeding part I don't miss.

Spider Girl said...

Ahem, yes, Pol and Kimber...I ALWAYS provide my gardeners with the vino of their choice. :)

dorkybutcute said...

i think there's something to be said for the joys of weeding...and you my dear have said it. :)

Michelle said...

Hi Spidergirl! Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Is that a photo of a camellia? How lovely!

Crystal said...

I loved this post! You made weeding sound so cute. ;-) I wish I had a garden too, chores in the garden don't sound nearly so bad as indoor chores and any excuse to get outside is welcome once summer rolls around.

Josh said...

You two need to come weed at my house. I also throw them over my sholder, seems like I accomplished more that way. And a secret, I talk to them and try to incourage them to join their friends in the pile. I think it works. haha

Dagoth said...

I think I have the most beautiful dandelion garden on the planet! In the war on weeds they are indeed a formidable foe...I'm afraid it will take an army of industious garden gnomes to drive them out...

Zambo said...

Hi Spider Girl!

I prefer to work with my pals too.

You and Tai seem to work well together.

Thanks for sharing.

Take care out there!

Your Pal,
