Saturday, April 15, 2006

Porpoises and the Awe of Orcas

Last night was lovely as only a calm April evening with the full moon rising can be.

My friend Sherry and I crossed to Denman Island on the little ferry as we do once a month or so. Tonight we were looking forward to an evening with a group of wonderful women around the year's first campfire.

We met friends we hadn't seen in a while among the foot-passengers and we walked to the bow of the boat to chat with them.

As we talked we looked out over the water. There were seagulls in the air, but Harmony was sure she had spotted an eagle. As we looked, a movement below us caught Sherry's eye.

There were porpoises! A brief glimpse of fin and shiny grey back and the animal went under. Then rose up again. And then another one!

We squealed like children---the sight was fleeting but so unexpected and marvellous. It was a good omen. The inner shiver of joy seeing those sea creatures gave me lasted the entire evening.

It reminded me of another time.

Three autums ago, on my tenth wedding anniversary, Jeff and I were paddling in a two-seater kayak up by April Point on Quadra Island. The whole day long had been an exercise in feeling grateful we lived here on the coast of Vancouver Island. Sometimes you can live in a place all your life and forget that it is beautiful and special, but we were reminded today.

We drifted over forests of waving kelp lit by afternoon sunshine, watched the great blue herons fishing in the shallows, saw bald eagles soaring, and let our kayak slide noiselessly into a community of river otters playing and chattering among a group of rocks.

But the image that will stay with me forever from that day was of an orca whale.

We heard a sound---a sound I'd never heard before---a loud and breathy, blowing sound. We held our paddles still and stopped our kayak to listen.

Chii-CHOO! Chii-CHOO! Chii-CHOO! The sound travelled towards us at great speed. We looked around wildly for its source.

And then we saw the great black fin and the broad shiny back and the white eye-marking as the killer whale passed our fragile boat at the speed of a living torpedo. I remember my eyes widening in awe and my head swivelling to watch the whale's passage, but it was gone in an instant.

We paddled around in the bay hoping to see it again, but that one brief moment was all we had with the orca. I think the feeling of joy it gave us was a real gift.

I wish I had pictures to show you of that day but I left my camera at home--heh, the days before I carried one everywhere. I borrowed someone's photo of a killer whale to show you what we saw. Perhaps it was better that I was just there in the moment. The images from that afternoon are forever imprinted in my mind.


Crazy Me said...

Wow!! You've got guts. When I saw a giant sea turtle while snorkeling, I hightailed it back to shore. I don't do very well in deep water.

Tai said...

"Chii-CHOO! Chii-CHOO! Chii-CHOO!"
I can hear echos somewhere in that amazing space of intuitive knowing.

I'm envious, yet so pleased for know what I mean.
"Chii-CHOO! Chii-CHOO! Chii-CHOO!"

Anonymous said...

You reminded me of the big 6-month sailing trip that also involved orcas close enough to touch, and phosphorescent salmon by the dark of the moon.


The Miner said...

Wow, Great picturse....
Keep capturing dear Spider!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for visiting and the lead back to your blog! It is a delightful place I will be coming back to frequently...and I admire anyone who is comfortable with spiders. They are hatching throughout the yurt and I spend a good bit of my day trying to gently move them outside as they repel down from the rafters.

Eric said...

You're really lucky living in a place that beautiful. The most wildlife I saw lately has been geese flying overhead. I'm jealous.

Ian Lidster said...

Nice story and so coastal. Reminds of the whale watching trip I took off Maui a number of years ago. What was great about it, aside from the experience, was taking my videocam so I not only have the pictures, but have the whale-song, too. Have a great Easter, and so nice to have met you. Look forward to doing it again some time.

Princess Pessimism said...

Its been so many years since i've been to Vancouver, I forgot how gorgeous the view was....

John Holland said...

When I was in Alaska years ago we were kayaking and a group of whales followed alongside us for awhile, leaping out of the water and just swimming. It was a sight that I will never forget.

Dagoth said...

What a wondrously beattiful place you live in. Do you think they would let me defect to canada? Keep that camera with you and send us more pictures. All your pictures are great not just your flower pictures.

ange said...

what great pictures! thanx for stopping by to read my blog.
memories are forever.a picture cant replace whats embedded within the memory. although a pic would be benificial as a visual memory!
Happy easter........

Pol* said...

BEAUTIFUL! Thanks for sharing that memory and the lovely images.

Zambo said...

Hi Spider Girl.

I'm all caught up with your recent posts.

I really liked this last one. Musta been really cool and exhilarating...

Hope you had a great weekend!

Your Pal,


Josh said...

Now your just rubbing you're home in our faces. HAHA I’m convinced one day you’ll have a tale of the ferries you found in your garden and a Cheshire cat.

Just beautiful!

Van Cong Tu said...

I love your photos, so beautiful.
Thanks for stopping by.

OB Juan said...

Great!, now I am homesick again.....

Can't wait to get back to the island for a visit in July.

Skye said...

That is awesome. :)

Grant said...

Sometimes I miss having access to nature. Not often, but it's such a neat thing to see animals in the wild other than on the discovery channel. An Orca sighting would be seriously cool - I think deer are the most exotic animals I've ever seen in the wild.

Outdoorsy Girl said...

Spider girl...
I'm so happy that you visited my blog so I could find yours. I love it!

And I really love your blog about your travels. You went to Africa!!! That is my dream!!! Awesome!

Jade L Blackwater said...

What a righteous experience! I have never been so close to an orca before... what a blessing. :)

I have seen seals and whales from the Seattle ferries before. The seals like to hang out on the buoys like they're lounge chairs!

ZooooM said...

I love your pictures. And your ability to describe in such a way that I feel like I'm there. I'll have to catch up on the rest of your posts.

Mathieu said...

Beautiful pictures.

I haven't been in vancouver for. 10 years now. How wonderful it is...

Luckily, I'm gonna see it again this summer.

Good day.

Mz.Elle said...

Wow...beautiful photos and story:)

Jay Noel said...

OK, that would have scared the crap out of me. You'd feel like a little worm on a hook next to an Orca whale. That's one for the grandkids for sure.

Anonymous said...

OOOH. Purdy.