Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Happy Summer Solstice everyone!

It was a baking hot June day here and I threw doors and windows wide where I could and let the flower-scented outside in. My roses are in mad disarray, scrambling over one another and elbowing each other for room in the garden.

I've been too tired to garden this last week (and the week before was a gardening write-off) but I took a gently critical survey of my garden this afternoon and I do believe the flowers are choking out the weeds. I took a basket around and pulled anything that looked REALLY hairy (ie. if you are a weed and I don't have to bend over to grab you, you're OUTTA there) and I am pretty satisfied.

I was invited to three Solstice gatherings and a drumming circle this week in honour of summer but I'm afraid I am just being a homebody this time around. (My dear friend Fireweed said her group would send healing energy my way, and I'll never say no to that.)

Instead, I celebrated today with the removal of my appendectomy stitches. It stung a little but *yoink yoink yoink yoink* and they were out. Oh wait, said my surgeon, you have a couple more down here too. *Yoink*

For those who want to know I had three little incisions and then one bigger one which was really gross and gooey-pink at first, but now looks much less impressive than it did before they sewed me up. It's only a couple inches at most. Alas, I'm yet one further step away from being a bikini model and one step closer to being , say, a pirate. Yarrr! Look at my scar! Got this one when 'ol One-Eye threw me to the sharks....

1 comment:

Tai said...

YO HO HO and a bottle of...oh, I don't know, a nice bottle of pinot noir, perhaps?