One of my dear friends recently complained that I'm not blogging enough--how will she keep track of what I've been up to lately?!
Maybe I've been reading too much? (I've only gone through five or six books in the last two weeks, so that can't be it...) :)
Anyway, I thought I'd make a mini post of some random things to catch her (everybody) up to date.
1. I am a new Auntie! Jeff's sister had her baby three weeks early, and we are off to Victoria see our new niece tomorrow. Her name is Avery.
While in Victoria I'll also get to see the new house Tai and Chris are renting--I've been advised to bring my gardening shears so perhaps it will be a working weekend...
2. Adam and Kira visited me and snapped up twelve pots of the windflowers on offer from two posts back. Bless 'em! I need the room in my garden. I have planted all the new dianthus and lavender that my mom treated me to--the dianthus plants have names like Rasberry Swirl and Strawberry Sorbet , makes me hungry just reading the tags.
Kira also informed me (after consulting her GPS) that I have three geo cache sites within 500 metres of my house. Treasure, of sorts. Intriguing, no?
3. I have given my notice at the Dentist Job. Now that I'm back from Italy (and don't have to supplement my income for the purposes of spending it on gelato and knock-off Prada purses), I feel no need for having two jobs. I am forseeing soft and warm summer evenings where I'd much rather be out grubbing in the garden than rinsing off bloody pliers.
4. And after I gave my notice, I serendipitously learned that I was getting a raise at my daycare job. It's the first real one in eleven years (I didn't count the 5 cent and 10 cent raises respectively) so I just about fell off the chair I was sitting on when I heard.
I had to leave that staff meeting early to get to one of my last shifts at the dentist, and I let our new administrator know that I had to be going to my other job by seven.
He said: "Why did the daycare worker cross the road?"
Me: Why?
Him: "To get to her second job."
I was all prepared to laugh politely and then think bitter twisted thoughts about being underpaid, but then he gave me the good news.
Well, I'm still underpaid most likely, but I'm happier in the moment.
Okay, I blogged! Now back to my book! (Don't worry, Mom, I'm almost finished with 1000 days in Tuscany. You know, the problem is I read more than one at a time....