I was starting to think that maybe this last week and a half with me running from one job

"This lurching horror symbolizes the drudgery of daily habits and routine. For every little death you die while waiting in lines and stuck in traffic, a supernatural ghoul returns from your imagination to extract angry vengeance. On the bright side, you can always outrun these zombies if you wish, and by taking care to add variety and spontaneity to your life, you can ensure they will stop appearing in your dreams."
Heh, so said a rather fluffy Dream Dictionary I found online anyway.
Naw, it's probably something more like how it's portrayed through the fine medium of Dinosaur Comics (you know I love 'em!)
Zombie Dream #1: I come home to find Jeff and his friend frantically stuffing moldering body parts into little round covered baskets and taping the lids on tightly. His friend claims to be a Wizard and tells me that pretty soon all these disgusting pits and pieces are going to come to life and have a little Zombie Party. (I'm paraphrasing, by the way, I'm sure he said it in a more sinister way).
Sure enough, the baskets start shaking and the things inside are trying to get out and we're having a deal of a time preventing all the Zombie Bits from reassembling. They're oozing out of the baskets literally looking like month-old hamburger. (The wizard shouts: "Don't eat any!" I give him a withering look that says "As if!")
Anyway, in the midst of all this chaos and zombie-wrangling I suddenly remember I need to start an early shift at work tomorrow and will need to call in a sub for the preschool if I'm going to stay and help save the world from zombies. I start to make a phone call, wondering how I'm going to explain why I can't make it in. I'm worried because I know it's difficult to find a substitute teacher at the best of times.....

I related a less gory and edited version of this dream to my boss at work. Really, finding subs IS a huge problem, even if zombies generally aren't....
Zombie Dream #2: Dreamed that Jeff was bitten by a zombie, but he didn't tell me right away. In fact, he didn't tell me for weeks. He seemed just fine though, no symptoms of shambling around or wanting live brains. I was torn between being relieved at his continued good health, annoyed that he hadn't told me, and suspicious that he was just really good at pretending that he wasn't the Living Dead. One of those really paranoid dreams.
Zombie Dream #3: The world is full of zombies. There's just me and a small group of survivors, all holed up for safety in my house. We go out foraging for food and are SUPER-careful to make sure no zombies get into the house.
Oh, for goodness sakes! Did you just leave the front door unlocked? Again? Fer cryin' out loud! Now we have to kill more zombies. Sheesh.
The people who are with me are really lax at keeping the zombies out. I'm a little fed up with their carelessness actually. *sighs* I guess it's up to me and my broom-handle to take care of herding the zombies out the door again....
Weird... But I loves those dinosaur comics :)
Hi! I found you through "Dinah Says Nothing". Those are some interesting dreams. I had a dream that my family was being attacked by zombies. I was in the kitchen with my parents in the middle of the night, and zombies were in our driveway. My dad threw up his hands and said "That does it! We're moving to Kentucky." And that was the end of the dream and apparently the only solution to the zombies attacking us.
Ok, guess what I did last night-- Apparently dreaming about zombies is contagious!
Don't worry, I'll help.
Zombie herding can't be THAT hard!
I'll even bring my own broom handle!
"Shawn of the Living Dead" comes to mind...
can they be trained for entertainment?
I am lovin your dreams!
There must be something in the air,because I've been having some interesting ones too...
Hi Spider
"Attack of the Dinosaur Zombies"... Hmmmmmm...
Cool comics!
I used to care about dream dictionaries and such, but I find that most things I dream about are the direct result of something I saw on TV or briefly thought about. My "running from the Terminator" dreams are directly proportional to the movie channel's repetitive time schedules.
"Don't eat any!"
Zut alors, that made me laugh....
Give me some warning! Like "bathroom break -now-". Or "time for depends."
Geez. "As if!"
I think it's hilarious that you think to call in a sub for your work the next day in the middle of dealing with z zombie threat.
"Back, zombie, get back! Ummm,yeah, Cheryl, can you cover for me at work?" smaks more zombies with a broomstick* "Uh, yeah, somethign's come up, and it won't stay dead, i men down."
As for the second dream, is there really that much diference between accountants and zombies?
Wow, those are really cool dreams!
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