My grandma took care of Lily Munster as a preschooler?!!
*Spider Girl's eyebrows shoot up*
Indeed, no. I did not know that!
Apparently the actress Yvonne De Carlo, who was everybody's favourite vampire mom back in the sixties, (and who just passed away recently) was a Canadian born in Vancouver.
I love that Six Degrees of Separation theory. I really do. We are all connected.....
To the Munsters!
* the gothy teenaged part of myself giggles in glee*
It's totally true!
By that theory, if what people tell me is really true and not BS, I am linked to Robert DeNiro, Dave Matthews, and Matthew McConaughey.
The scary thing is that if we are connected to one of them, then that means we are connected to ALL of them :)
That's amazing, your connection to Yvonne De Carlo. Someone else on the blogs was a friend of hers. That gives you a connection to that other person on the blogs.
I did a post about the six degrees of separation. I was surprised at my connections. We are all connected more closely than we think. It's very interesting.
as a kid I thought she was hot and the program was funny. I suppose all our families are a little like the Munsters, but I don't know of any close connections we had with them (my mother would have died to have found any cobwebs).
That is so SWEET, you looked a lot like her in Grade 4, I remember thinking that. Long dark hair (no gray!) long nails, surreal attitude and a glint in your eyes that meant nothing but well-calculated mischief (in the nicest possible way).
Hi Spider
I have six degrees of separation to spot...
I thought that show was cool.
Yes, there are less than six degrees of separation from everyone. I found this out because of different connections to different people I met who knew someone who knew the random people I have met. That last sentence was a run-on I think.
Loved that show when I was a kid. My brother is named Eddie so I used to call him Eddie Munster. Well, it was hilarious when I was 6!
Yvonne was a stunning woman.
That's so cool!
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