Well, one treat anyway. I'm planning on having a good week.
To start with, I got off work early and wandered down the lane to the blackberry patch and picked a little pail of sun-ripened yumminess.
The bushes are laden with green and red berries--the potential for a blackberry-filled freezer bounty is enormous this year. All the recent hot weather has made the bushes amazingly productive.
Wild strawberries are good, fresh raspberries are a favourite, but nothing is more tasty to me than a perfect blackberry.
First off, Happy Birthday, Spider! I know I'm a bit early, but that's better than being a bit late.
Secondly, those berries look AMAZING. Mmmmm. It's a good time of the year to forage off the land.
May your holiday be fun and frivolous, and I look forward to seeing you during it (maybe some.... geocaching?)
My freezer has a nice stock pile of berries right now.... and I have a HUGE quantity of apples that I gleened from and appreciative friend of a friend's tree (my boys are great at climbing apple trees apparently). I am not sure what to do with all the apples, but I will surely do SOMETHING
What a lovely way to celebrate! Hope the day and the week are wonderful.
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