As I embark on my quest towards an emptier basement--- flying in the face of my SIMULTANEOUS quest to collect junk to sell for fund-raising-- I find myself with NINE bags of stuff to leave the house sitting in the basement. Stuff I can't flea-market or Craigslist. Stuff I can't possibly justify keeping. That's a lot of bags lined up in the basement waiting for the next CDA neighbourhood pickup--probably not until September. And I'll probably be filling more...
This afternoon I'm down to eight bags, having dropped a large load of shoes off at the thrift store. Out it's going, bag by bag, this holiday week *she vows to herself*
Sometimes I'm tempted to put aside shoes for a clothes trade, but this particular Pile O' Shoes only merited one pair for possible Future-Use-By-Friends.
Like I said, this post was inspired by my friend who likewise posted pictures of her shoe collection online. "Wow", I thought to myself, "My friend sure does like shoes!" But apparently, um, I have a similar problem. Nothing like a picture or two to illustrate.
The Before picture shows all twenty-eight pairs of shoes I found in various places around the house. (Not even counting my snow boots.)
How is it possible that I have collected so many? Friends will attest I don't enjoy shopping for shoes, can't wear heels without hobbling myself, and will wear a pair of favourites until the sole is separating from the uppers--HAD to leave my old hiking shoes in Kathmandu for just that reason. It's a bit of a shocker for me that I am nevertheless, after reviewing all evidence, a horrible hoarder of shoes. Sigh.
But...after this month's shoe purge I am relieved to say I am now ELEVEN pairs lighter than before! Although I am for some reason STILL holding onto the pink Italian strappy shoes I wore painfully to the Crazy Ladies Tea Party--oh, the memories!
Jeff pulled all his shoes out too and similarly junked out. Total number of pairs: eleven (two not pictured as they were later discovered hiding in trepidation).
Glad I am not the only one..... however I am a little SAD that you didn't save the shoes for friends to see.... we have so close-sized feet and I did get one of my ALL TIME favourite pair of slack shoes from your reject pile many years ago (almost worn completely through now)...
Probably for the better that I didn't see them now that I think about it.... except the "one in one out rule" that I have extended to shoes.
None of your shoes fit me. :( My feet are ginormous. I am very impressed by your ability to declutter, though -- both you and Pol. I've been trying to declutter for a week, and yet I still find myself surrounded with piles of CRAP.
We're having a garage sale on Saturday, tho. Hopefully. complete strangers will come and pay me for the opportunity to carry away my junk. Fingers crossed!!!
Kimber.... your feet are NOT ginormous! My sister wears size 11 - that's ELEVEN!!!!! And she still manages to have about 100 pairs of adorable and stylish footwear.
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