I don't write on this blog nearly enough anymore, and so, good readers, I know there are probably not many of you who will read this that I don't see quite often already, but if I haven't given you a chance to sign my petition, let me know, and I'll have a pen and a nice cup of tea for you. :)
By the way, that's yours truly, in the upper right hand corner of that little photo collage above--that's not my number above, but if you want more information on Mac Harb's bill to end the seal hunt, you could not speak to a person more dedicated to helping animals.
Cheers, everybody! (I promise to write more often if y'all bug me more about it). :)
(Pick myself up from a dead faint)I am not believing that you are posting!
It takes the slaughter of innocent cute critters to get you to post, eh? I am not sure how I feel about that.....
Hey....I signed the petition, but I didn't get tea!!!! I demand tea! TEA FOR CUTE, CUDDLY LAND MAMMALS! (that's me)
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