Here are some pictures of art projects I've been doing with the preschool kids--it was time to take down the Valentine hearts and the chilly winter-time pictures.
Also picture are my new helleborus plants (one white, one pink) that I acquired at Seedy Saturday and have since planted in my garden.
I've grown to love helleborus as they flower as early as January and look nice all year long.
Also acquired at Seedy Saturday (an enormous local seed-swap): seeds for red poppies,
I hope I actually get them all in the ground this year. I tend t
Spider it is amazing how you folk that live in the colder, wetter, snowy climates embrace spring, everyone really looks forward to it, I think we in warmer climates take it sooo much for granted.
The pre schooler's artwork is absolutely beautiful! So clever, so artistic. Bless their little hearts.
Your flowers (helleborus) I have never seen, they remind me a little of orchids, orchid growing over here is a passion and an art, they go to great lengths to nuture and bloom them out. Sunflowers, poppies and hollyhocks we have...well, when there isn't a drought I guess.
Your butterfly post fascinated me, not morbid at all, really interesting, the stuff around on peoples blogs is incredible. Whole new, wonderful world.
Feeling very springy today, in a spring is here yay for birds and butterflies rather than tigger springy way. i'm rambling, i'm just going to leave now. :)
Nice photos. Bring on the spring!
Love the artwork! The spring colours put me in a positive mood. (As does this warmer weather we've had this week!)
your class does some cute stuff. I too am looking forward to Spring. The frogs are already making a rucus and the birds can be deafening in their morning symphony outside and I love it!
That artwork was done by pre-schoolers? That's amazing. It's beautiful.
Hollyhocks are my absolutely favorite flower in the whole world! I'm going to try to grow some this year.
We got another two inches of snow last night so your flowers were the exact pick-me-up I needed. Thanks!
I love your class paintings, and the flower photos, too! I'm so starved for flowers at the moment that I'm thrilled to hear that they're blossoming in your garden!
Great pictures! Love it that Spring is on the way.
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