Sunday night's bellydance show was a fundraiser to cover some of the medical costs for a talented local bellydancer who was in a tragic car accident seven weeks ago, leaving her with a broken back and unable to move from the waist down.
Imagine the awfulness of suddenly being unable to move when your love is for dance and your whole livelihood depends on your ability to move...
We have a very beautiful dance community where I live. I haven't danced myself since the show in June, but seeing many of the dancers I've performed with in the past made me suddenly miss the comraderie. I felt very moved to see a packed standing-room-only building for the performances : such an outpouring of support for her.
There is hope too--at the beginning of the show a friend reported that that very day, Dee had wiggled her toes for the first time! A
Those pictures look just amazing in black and white!
And what a wonderful thing to do for a friend.
Ohhh I'm so glad she wiggled her toes!
What a sweet,thoughtful creative way to help:)
I love the grainy quality to those photos--and the feeling you got of being part of a larger community.
Tragic what happened, inspirational that she has support, amazing that she is wigglin those tootsies!
YAY for wiggling toes!!!!!
I agree with the other those photos are amazing.
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