The trick to buying a Christmas tree is to get someone you know who is less than eight feet tall to stand next to it so you can use that person as a sort of measuring stick.
Otherwise you will end up eyeballing the perfect tree at the tree-farm and optimistically guess that it will fit into your house like my mother-in-law did, with a merry time following as you try to fit it in your truck to haul home and then painfully squeeze it into your living-room.
Sawing various lengths and limbs off the perfect tree then follows as pine needles drop all around on the carpet.

Now, sawing is great exercise but, forewarned by his mom, I got Jeff to stand next to the tree when it was our turn to pick one. Then I took a picture of him while he grinned and called me a camera geek.
It's such a great little tree. It was the first one I laid eyes on--twelve dollars! I was very happy at the price! (Some years we've left the tree selection a little late and ended up paying through the nose for the left-overs).

Anyway, as far as I'm concerned, having a fresh live Christmas tree is the best part of the season, It is making our house smell beautiful and I put on the Barra MacNeil's Celtic Christmas album on this evening and sang along as I hung the ornaments.
Then the power went off (a common occurrence in these parts lately).

No matter.
I lit some candles and finished the job by candlelight.

looks gorgeous.. I wanted to say hi and that I haven't fallen off the edge of the earth or forgotten about you.. Work has just been taking up 99% of my time, or so it feels.
Hopefully in January I will have less hours and more time for lovely things like working out with my friends at the gym!
Hey Spider Girl!
Glad you managed to get a decent tree for a good price! (We have a fake one, but it looks nice...Lasagna's allergic...plus it's fun to assemble)...
I hope all is well these days and that the power doesn't go out too often over the holidays...(If it does, I'm sure you'll adapt and overcome)...
Nice pix, by the way...camera geek or not...
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
It looks so beautiful.
Good price too!
I love the photo of the lit candles:)
Beautiful photos!
Can't wait to see it live and in person!
Twelve dollars. If they were that cheap, you should have gotten two of them. :)
So festive!
Happy holidays my dear friends!!!!!!
One more thing.... I'm dying to know how the KITCHEN project is going????
I love your little tree! It is perfect. Ours is ridiculously small and skinny but I love it anyways.
It's snowing in Denver. We may have a white Christmas for once. If it doesn't actually snow on that day, it will be nice to have some snow on the ground!
I always thought the key to getting a christmas tree was to get a fake one. ;)
May your yuletime be cheerful and bright!
A nice little tree, indeed.
Merry Christmas!
Hi Spider
Just don't put your candles on the tree like they used to do in the old days...It's a very lovely tree you've decorated...
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