Basically, when we arrive in Rome the first evening (first two evenings actually), we'd like to have someplace already booked so we can have somewhere to dump our luggage immediately so we can put our jet-lagged feet up and have a glass of wine without worrying where we're going to sleep.
So here I am at home, having a Snow Day off work and surfing the Internet looking for suitable Roman guesthouses.
I found a website called Venere.com and found these places. What do you think? Any other suggestions?
Hotel Gea di Vulcano
Hotel Angel
Hotel Andreina
Hmm... I'm leaning toward Andreina, yet Hotel Angel has internet...
Hey Spider Girl.
Rome should be a lot of fun with your pals! I hope you work it out before you go.
I just caught up on your recent posts...(That was great Remembrance Day post, by the way!)...
I hope all is well.
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
$135 $CAN for a place to dump your bags??? And you wonder why I don't go to Europe...The most expensive hotel I stayed in last trip was $10 US and the best...good by any standards (TV,Internet,good location, clean etc) was only $6US
But I guess when you're in rome you do as the romans
PS I like the Vulcano one best
Yes, brother, the typical price tags in Europe for food and shelter would make your eyes bleed. but it IS worth it, at least to me.
The year after that if all goes well we'll be in India where it's much cheaper to travel (although I think it may all balance out with the airfare to get there).
I think I'm keen on Hotel Gea di Vulcano as well, but they all appear to be lovely!
My vote goes to Hotel Gea di Vulcano.... anything named for a volcano has my support! :)
Mmhmmm,I think it's worth it too.
Enjoy whichever one you pick!
Hey, have you seen Rome hotel review? It seems to be very useful to chose right hotel in Rome.
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