As evidence that my friends and I

are moving up in the world and hob-knobbing with the soon-to-be-famous-and-noteable, here are
Kim (her blog explains it all a bit more) and I pictured posing with minor cardboard celebrity (and Arctic hare)
Smilla Vanilla .

You can see Smilla's musical debut (with co-star Uni-Brow Bear) in the brilliant and avant garde
Numa Numa video made by Kim and Shawn last week. Filmed on location (apparently) in, um, London, Paris, Cairo, Las Vegas, and of course our very own Hollywood North---the Comox Valley!
I'm sure that it will go on to become an integral part of the socio-cultural online phenomena that is the
Numa Numa song's legacy.
Especially if y'all go to the video link and *cough cough* leave nice ratings and comments about it. :)

Yes, I'm sure the young lads from the Romanian pop group O-Zone are grinning their heads off about this somewhere.
Hello? Salut?
Brilliant. Just brilliant.
i love that video, makes me howl!!!
OOOOH! I am a huge fan!!!! (Of Kim&Shawn's video that is) I am jealous that you are holding the actual character!!!!!
It is funny!
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