Monday, September 11, 2006

Creepy Crawly Saturday

I dedicate this post to my dear 'ol Dad, who believes that when a spider sees you, it wants to leap straight for your jugular....

Mom, when you read this, bring Dad over to the computer and show him these pictures.

See the Mexican red-leg tarantula sitting on my hand? Her name is Nora and she felt like a soft little mouse sitting on my hand. Lovely.

There were other kindred souls at the bug zoo. One girl held Nora and said to her skeptical boyfriend, "How could you not like her?"

There are so many interesting creatures at the Victoria Bug Zoo : it was the perfect place to spend my Saturday afternoon. I can hardly believe I 've never been there before!

This is just a short post. I'll write more on the insects I met here later. But a friend of mine was on the phone the other day and was talking to another friend. The side of the conversation I heard was like this:

"Yeah, we just got back from the Bug Zoo....Um, the Bug Zoo....what do ya mean you don't know what that is? Let me break it down for you.....BUG...ZOO!"

So, dear friend, I hope these photos are more illustrative.

I must have held fifty unusual insects and arachnids that afternoon.

The one that left the greatest impression on me was the Emperor Scorpion. He was as big as my palm!

Was he venomous you ask? Well, yes. You had to be 18 or over to hold the scorpions and tarantulas. But the venom is apparently no more traumatic than a bee sting and I just couldn't resist the opportunity. Besides, this is apparently a very mild-mannered species.

And his name was Steve. It's just not as scary to hold a scorpion named Steve.


Lori Stewart Weidert said...

g-g-g--g-g...I'm with Dad. We'll be over here eating sno cones. You go on in.

Ingrid said...

Disgusting ! Although I have to admit the pictures are very nice and I only took a far glance not to see to much details ! I should send you my PC (personal Cat) Pookie, she loves spiders and everything which looks like, and after playing with them she eats them. Brrr

adman said...

okay're crossing some lines with steve...I've been stung by a scorpion and it hurts like hell, and is kind of scary...drinking rum helps some but still,,,I killed the F&^^&er and watched with pleasure as the ants slowly ate its body.
different strokes and all, but seriously scorpions are a menance...they will crawl into your shorts...nobody wants that!

Mike said...

You're right. The name 'Steve' somehow makes the thought of holding it less disturbing. I'm almost jealous :)

Spice said...

Oooo, got to find a place like that in Cape Town. I don't think I could be friends with Steve...

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! Great pitures...BUT OH MY GOSH....dont' those things bite? EEWWWWWWWW

Well, I will be back, to read up more and looks like I have lots to learn....Lots of great pictures. I will be back on Saturday...but probably with gloves, a long sleeve shirt, and I suppose a can of RAID is out huh?? (JK)

Have a good rest of the week..

Scott said...

Okay, so apparently your Father is a wise man much like myself. There is little doubt that the spider in your hand was just biding its time before going for the jugular!



Momo said...


That whole experience would be like going on Fear Factor for me. I'm sure I'd only do that if I was paid. A LOT.

I have arachnophobia though...

Except around Bathtub Spider. ;0)

Anonymous said...

I really was joking about the Raid can also!! I actually love Daddy Long Leg's. When I see those I do every so carefully pick them up and put them outside...really.

I do not like ANTS however..and those I do spray for. Ants and spiders are not in the same family are they??


Heather said...

Cool! I never did make it to the Bug Zoo, thanks for showing me what I missed.

dorkybutcute said...

ok, i draw the line at scorpions. his name could have been fluffy and i *still* would have been on the other side of the room.

Tim Rice said...

That sounds fascinating. I'm not so sure I would have wanted to hold some that you did. But that's okay and it still would have been fun to see.

Tai said...


Spider Girl said...

Dagoth, I'm glad the tarantula survived. Apparently they can die if you drop them, them being the delicate flowers of the spider family.

sage said...

wow, a bug zoo--that could have been my garage before it's annual cleaning.

I remember sitting by a trail in the northern part of Zion National Park, my back supported by my pack, my knees pulled up and watching a tarantula walk between my legs. He was great. Now scopions, I prefer the one in the sky, as they do have tendencies to crawl into boots. Thanks for visiting my blog.

Chick said...

Is it a day for posts with dear old dads in them? Must be.

But spiders DO run at me...I'm no sissy girl...but there ain't no bug zoo in my future: )smq

ZooooM said...

er. I am soooo with your Dad. I am a super sissy around spiders. By the way, the husband now thanks you because in addition to screaching "aieeeeee" when I see one, I will now add "and he's going to pounce on my jugular!!"

It's like Fear Factor on here today! But I like you anyway. Cool pictures, even though they make me go aieeeee.

Pol* said...

I KNEW you'd like that place! Isn't it cool? Did you get to hold the millipede? It's like a squirmy bottle brush.

BostonPobble said...

It is hard enough for me to read your blog and read the comments you leave me because they include the *word* spider. Sadly, this is not an exaggeration. And I'm better than I used to be if you can believe it. That was no mouse.

I'm gonna go twitch now.

nicki said...

eeeeeeeeeeeeep! you've BRAVE...ehehhee....either that...or i'm silly..ehehhe i couldn't get 10 feet near those bugs without crying i think.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my! Well, the scary part about insects is their unpredictability. You've got to wonder why they would want to run up your arm or whatever. I mean, when they're sitting on your hand, are they thinking, hmm, nice warm spot, guess I'll just sit here quietly and watch that big hairy head at the end of that arm? Or is it more like hey, my brain is small and only thinks about where my next morsel is coming from, and the neck at the top of that arm looks pretty tender...

Jess D'Zerts said...

Apologies, I've just realized Blogger failed to give you my link so you have no freaking idea who I am. Tryin' again...

Twisted Lady said...

Wow. Very cool.

Just don't think I could hold those bugs.

I'm more of a rat, snake and frog type of girl.