This was a vivid dream I had a few nights ago.
There was a man's body lying on the ground in the forest near a haunted swamp. A group of hunters discover it and do what seems the decent and necessary thing to them: they cremate the body. They are superstitious and horribly afraid that if they leave the body alone, something horrid from the swamp will take it.
But what they don't know is that the body is really a being from the swamp in disguise. It must wait for the hunters to leave, and then it rises from the fire, still smouldering, in skeletal form. It runs toward the safety and mystery of the swamp.

For now, I am an observer in this dream. I feel sympathy for the poor walking bones. It needs to hide itself in the mud among the trees to heal itself.
I know there are many other such bone-people nearby.
Night is falling, and as I follow the skeleton into the failing light, I suddenly become a creature myself--something lithe and amphibious. I run over grassy hummocks poking out of the water and then splash down into dark pools without fear or concern.
I am a night creature, a water creature, and I can see in the dark quite well. Living things are lit with a dim purple glow to me.

I think to myself: "This is my true place, a place where skeletons walk and werewolves caper. I am not afraid."
I swim through black water and see a group of beings with thick coiling eel-like tails, all lit with soft purple. I swim among them. I am not afraid of them. They are selkies and will not attack.

At least, this is what I believe. Suddenly webbed fingers reach out and pull me deeper under the water. I am surprised, but only panic a few moments later when I realize that the selkies are holding me down and I have lost my power to breather underwater.
I awoke with a start and a gasp for air.
On the bright side, although my unconscious dream-state is obviously still roiling around with er, swamp-creature issues, my waking life feels much happier than when I last made a post.
The dance group is making the best of it, and we DID have the one practice where ALL of us danced together---it made a lot of difference to how I felt about the overall cohesion of the dances.
I called back some of the friends I ranted at to let them know I was feeling more chipper about it all.
And since this swamp dream, I've gone on to have perfectly lovely dreams where I am having coffee in a little shop in London with Kim, and collecting sea-shells and treasure in a magical temple by the sea. So luckily, it's not all swamps and unfriendly sprites in my mind.
This dream was not actually a nightmare, by the way. I immediately wanted to go back into it because it felt such an mysterious world.
Hey Spider Girl!
I'm glad to hear your troupe's dances are looking more promising!
That certainly was a strange dream...Are you getting enough iron in your diet? (Just kidding)...
Best of luck with the upcoming performance!
Take care out there!
Your Pal,
a swamp thing that looks like a dead body and after you cremate it goes all Danse Macarbe... selkies that turn mean... yeah, that's a pretty normal dream for you, m'dear.
I meant to write you about the blogger/pics issue, though I see you resolved it yourself. When Blogger won't let me post pics, I go to a new post page, insert the pictures first, add the text under them, then position the pics in the right place. Maybe that will work for you too.
That is really creepy, and the photos don't help.
What a neat, interesting dream! I think it would make a great short story...
How did you fiond so many images to illustrate the dream?! I love to breathe underwater in my dreams!
My only death dream -- where I actually was killed -- was in a swamp (so I know that whole "if you die in your dreams you'll never wake up" thing is BUNK!)
Fascinating imagery, it sounds thorough and complete. Did it SMELL like a swamp too? Earthy green wet alive?
It didn't sound like a nightmare at all ~ okay, until the end and the whole not being able to breathe part. It sounded...wonderful, actually.
Glad the dancing is starting to feel better!
Hey, anywhere that werewolves caper has GOT to be a cool place.
Love the pictures, too!
(Isn't there a watery ghoul that goes by the name of Jenny Green Teeth? Just wondering. tee hee!)
Tra-la-la-la, awoooo, tra-la-la-la *capering hither and yon*
Fantastic dream! Your images put me in mind of Swamp Thing which, if you haven't already read, you might enjoy. And let's make that coffee shop-in-London dream come true! (I know just the place!)
Hi Spider
I remember so few of my dreams, I'm jealous of people that have such wonderful, vivid dreams...
The last one I remember about being in a swamp, I couldn't breath either. I was lying on my back in a peat bog with the mud packed so tight around me I could neither move nor breath. I woke and couldn't go back to sleep for hours, every time I put the blankets over me I felt trapped again...
I know your dance troupes performance will all come together and be spectacular...
Weird! I almost got scared. Interesting to meet someone like you who aint scarred like us.
The swamp dream would make a cool story. In fact, I already wrote that story. You stole it from me. Pay me much money and I shall forgive. :p
That dream is fascinating. Maybe you develop it into a full fledge fantasy novel.
By the way, I particularly liked the first swamp picture. Beautiful.
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