It's a swarming, noisy zoo of a seed swap and you come away from it loaded with packets and packets of wonderful things--all in exchange for the wonderful things you don't personally want any more of in your garden.
I traded some little envelopes of columbine and foxglove for these poppies.
You want to know how many foxglove and columbine I have? A lot.
Come on over to my house and you can have some.

So I haven't exactly been blog-a-licious lately.
It's rather odd because I like to write something most days and I've had lots to write about: two rather wonderful weekends and a trip to Vancouver (including meeting Kim's baby for the first time), a series of sometimes frustrating dance practices, successfully and accidentally avoiding being present at a rather unpleasant confrontation of sorts, changes at work, the frustrations of computer problems (okay, well that's one reason for not blogging every day), interesting conversations, good books, the time my evil black umbrella bit my thumb and wouldn't let go....well, perhaps just as well not to relive the unpleasantness of that incident!

Anyhoo, I have lots of things to share....but once again I'm leaving my readers (who, mostly being friends or blood relations will love me anyway and contine to check my blog even if I'm not writing every day) with a vague post about my doings, and also the irony that I'm reading a book called The Procrastinator's Handbook .....
Good heavens those poppies are beautiful!
I will take you up on that offer of foxgloves and columbine!
I don't have to check back since your lovely posts just show up via feed to my livejournal friends page!
I know Brandi would love love love some poppy seeds! Perhaps some of the others as well. I would if I still had a garden. :)
Hi Spider Girl!
I hope you're doing well these days.
Your flowers are quite lovely!
I also enjoyed reading your random things about you list!
It's interesting to read things about your pals Kim and Tai here and to read their Blogs as well, and read stuff about you...We get sort of an outsider's view into your friendship...and it seems like a great life-long bond that's well...nice, I guess...You're a swell bunch of gals!
Take care out there, Spider Girl!
Your Pal,
Those are absolutely gorgeous!!!!!
I know exactly how you feel (about blog procrastination)...I once saw an old grey hair lady get the elbows up on my 240 pound/6 foot tall friend Brooke at a Seedy Saturday....are those colombines singles or doubles, becuase the doubles are a little too frilly for my tastes.
And then there's me ~ neither blood relation nor, technically, friend ~ who checks back, too. Just 'cause it's always So Worth It when you do post!
The poppies are beautiful. I always keep your garden photos in mind when I'm working on my sparse little flower garden. I want my yard to look like yours...someday.
I was wondering what happened to you. The poppies are STUNNING.... how often do you fertislize? Or is it just the seaweed soil?
Love your poppies pictures! Hope you are doing well.
The flowers are beautiful!!!
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