Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Tax Time and Greek Islands

Every year around this time it seems there is a fairly steady stream of relatives dropping by for tea...and to get their taxes done.

I visit and drink tea, Jeff gets to do the taxes. :)

Last night, as Jeff worked away on his lap-top with my friend Claudia's paperwork, Claudia and I had a nice long talk, something we haven't done in a long while.

One of the things we talked about is Greece as Jeff and I are travelling there soon and Claudia has lots of fond memories of that part of the world. Being from Germany, flying to Greece for a week or a weekend was as simple as Canadians jetting off to Mexico.

Claudia's ex owned property on a tiny little island near Naxos in the Cyclades and they returned again and again to the same village and beaches. They had a little house with no electricity or running water and enjoyed roughing it.

A local shepherd would sometimes bring them fresh goat cheese. So fresh it sometimes still had goat hair in it.

Tales of Greek ferries in rough sea, gypsies, hiking and beautiful beaches...


Hermes said...

A perfect way to begin gearing up for the trip I'd say. I want Jeff to my taxes. But I'll probably end up paying H&R or something. When do you go?

blackcrag said...

You have the most wonderful trips. There isn't one I haven't been jealous of yet. Maybe India. India isn't the hot button place for me to visit. But that doesn't mean I wouldn't go there either.

I'm going to spend more time on your travel blog.