Mermaid sightings are rare. Canadian mermaids seem even rarer. So I was astonished to find that a mermaid had once been seen off my own Vancouver Island.
Did you know that in 1967, B.C. Ferries passengers saw a mermaid sitting on some rocks in Active Pass near Victoria?
Reports in the Times Colonist newspaper at the time said that the mermaid had long blonde hair, the body of a porpoise from the waist down, and was apparently eating a salmon when sighted.
The brief article on the tourism website also mentioned that a man in an aircraft took a photograph that supported the ferry passengers claim, and the Victoria newspaper printed the picture. Unfortunately, the passengers involved are "no longer available for comment".
How could I not know about this? We Vancouver Islanders have our very own rumoured sea-serpent Caddy ("Cadborosaurus"), we're home to the elusive Sasquatch, a healthy population of ghost-stories, indeed, why not mermaids?
Reports in the Times Colonist newspaper at the time said that the mermaid had long blonde hair, the body of a porpoise from the waist down, and was apparently eating a salmon when sighted.
The brief article on the tourism website also mentioned that a man in an aircraft took a photograph that supported the ferry passengers claim, and the Victoria newspaper printed the picture. Unfortunately, the passengers involved are "no longer available for comment".
How could I not know about this? We Vancouver Islanders have our very own rumoured sea-serpent Caddy ("Cadborosaurus"), we're home to the elusive Sasquatch, a healthy population of ghost-stories, indeed, why not mermaids?
So, I have been searching the internet for the alleged mermaid photo. But I can't seem to find it. My co-worker (an ex- Saltspring islander) nodded when I mentioned the article and said she'd once seen the picture.
How would she describe it? She frowned skeptically. "Well, somebody must have digitally altered it, I guess." Then she fell silent. I guess it looked like a mermaid.
While searching for the picture I came across other mermaids though. I include this mesmerizing YouTube clip for your enjoyment.
It is said that Christopher Columbus mentioned mermaids in his log book during his ocean travels. Apparently he was disappointed. "I somehow thought they'd be more attractive..., "he wrote. I'm sure he didn't see anything like the mermaid in this movie.
Underwater mermaid model Hannah Fraser is about as close to a real mermaid as a human can get. An article on Hannah said that through yoga and breath-control practice she has learned to become comfortable staying underwater....I think she's beautiful.
That's amazing!
(Somewhere in the back of my head I think I had heard about that mermaid...)
Now, was all that done in one take? She must be an amazing kisser!
Don't forget, B.C. also has Nessie's cousin Ogopogo out by Osoyous.
Between Sasquatch, Ogopogo, the mermaid et al, it's no wonder they call BC Supernatural!
Mermaids are so cool. I kind of wish I was one in a past life. It's amazing she can hold her breath that long.
I always wanted to be a mermaid;)
She is beautiful! As for your local mermaid, we're pics harder to doctor in 1967? Not impossible, I know, but harder. ;) I never say never.
Fantastic film, but I found myself holding my breath.... :)
Hmm. I guess I'll believe it when I see it. If there are mermaids, we're all in trouble because that would mean there are all sorts of creatures out there - even the unpleasant ones. Seeing as most of the stories around these creatures usually ends up with a drowning, I'd just as soon believe it all myth. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Verrrry interesting!
I so love the Sasquatch though!
Gorgeous film. I couldn't swim with all those fish though. Eeek!
Hi Spider
Christopher Columbus mentioned mermaids in his log book during his ocean travels. Apparently he was disappointed. "I somehow thought they'd be more attractive.
I heard somewhere that Manatees were most likely originally mistaken for mermaids, no wonder he thought they were none too attractive...
Terrific film clip. Sailors of yore used to mistake manatees for mermaids because they suckled their young to their chests, just like women. Although, I must confess that mermaids are doubltlessly cuter than manatees.
I am grateful that I found this amazing site about mermaids....
so I found the picture of the mermaid with original article of 1967 if you would like it
Animal planet proved that mermaids are real watch it on youtube
pssst canadianmermaids.com plenty of mermaid!
I would love to read it if you wouldn’t mind sending me the article.
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