Heathrow airport has re-opened. Therefore...
My bags are packed. My fingers are crossed.
We leave around noon today to travel to Vancouver, and tomorrow evening we fly to London and then on to Cairo, Egypt.
Anybody reading this who decides to also cross their fingers, send good vibes, pray/sacrifice to deity of choice on our travelling plans behalf would be a good friend. :)
Done and done. Just promise to post pictures when you're back from a highly successful and glitch free vacation.
I too will pray to the travel gods/goddesses for you guys and make the appropriate sacafices. Have a great trip, and like Pobble said, "post pictures when you're back" :)
I do mean "sacrifice" but I'll sacafice too just in case. lol
you are still in Cairo BTW?!
egypt is a shit hole since the revolution.
http://birdinginegypt.blogspot.com/ myegypt bird blog
http://egyptwildlife.blogspot.com/ birds of Egypt
http://egyptswildlife2.blogspot.com/ birds of Egypt
http://www.nilelife.blogspot.com/ photos from around Luxor Egypt
http://www.nilelife2.blogspot.com/ photos from around Luxor Egypt
http://egyptdragonflies.blogspot.com/ Dragons and damsels
http://insectsonwings.blogspot.com/ butterflies and bugs
Hope the trip went well. And that you will return to blogging!
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