Nothing like getting outside on a beautiful day, venturing through forest and meadow and creekside, discovering hidden trails...and, er, turning in circles while muttering darkly until your GPS unit decides to start picking up the signal correctly.
Yes, we are venturing into the hidden world of geo-caching.
There is probably more than fifty hidden caches within a few miles of our house, so today we set out for the nearby ones.
The first cache we found while ostensibly wandering (quite incorrectly) toward another cache. Once we realized we were in spitting d

We went back to our first target, got on track, and found ourselves in a little park. The GPS swore up and down we were practically standing on top of a cache, but there were people about and we didn't feel like crawling through the leaves while other folks hovered. Also, it was too darn hot out to concentrate. Later this evening, we returned and found the little log book and pencil after some pondering on the subject of where, oh where could it be.
Third hunt took us

Well, two out of three ain't bad.