Her mom had rented a movie for us, and, rather inexplicably considering our age group, that movie turned out to be The Rocky Horror Picture Show which follows the flamboyant sexual adventures of a lingerie-wearing alien called Dr. Frankenfurter from the planet Trans-sexual in the galaxy of Transylvania.
There is a Frankenstein monster who looks a lot like a surfer-dude in gold lame shorts. There is Meatloaf served for dinner in more ways than one. There is a very young Susan Sarandon dancing around in her underwear. There are more corsets and fishnet stockings than you can shake a stick at. Plus *gasp* it's a musical.
Yes, my mom wasn't very pleased at the time when she found out what Ara's mom had provided for entertainment. But I can honestly say my twelve year old self wasn't at all corrupted by the experience. The sexual innuendo went way over my head (yes, perhaps unlike twelve year olds nowadays) and I thought the dance numbers were hilarious.
(My mom has since admitted that the song "Let's Do the Time Warp Again" is rather catchy after all.)
Anyway, this past weekend I had the opportunity to take in the musical mayhem that is the Rocky Horror Picture Show once again. This time, at the UVic student theatre in the company of Jeff, Tai (dragged somewhat under protest) and Chris, and with only an hour's notice. (One of those spontaneous evening entertainment choices that Christopher so delightfully comes up with.)
So this Rocky Horror virgin didn't really have a chance to dress up for the experience, you see. Drat. I felt quite under-dressed for the occasion. Or is that OVER-dressed? I wasn't wearing a single item of kinky lingerie. Oh, the embarrassment!

Because that's what you do when you go to a late-night screening of the Rocky Horror apparently. It's quite an exercise in audience participation.
You can dress up like a French maid like the character of Magenta. You could dress in gold-sequined coat-tails like Columbia. You could put on your pearls and vamp like Tim Curry's mad scientist.
In fact, looking around the theatre, this is probably the best opportunity to use that push-up bra/corset/pair of thigh-high boots, etc. that's been languishing at the back of your closet since who knows when.
Yes! come and wear your underwear in public! It'll be fun!
You can dance around in front of the movie screen, shout out the rude and traditional additions to the script with the rest of the audience, throw rice and toilet-paper streamers, shoot off water pistols, and learn how to dance the Time Warp . You should also bring a noise-maker, a lighter, a newspaper to cover your head, a pointy party-hat...oh, I'm probably forgetting some of the other things you should bring....
Oh yeah, most importantly, bring a sense of fun and a love for really really bad alien-horror-musical movies.
Fabulous, darling!
oh i have never done this and i so want to! starts my list of must have items....
thanks for the visit by my place today:)
I remember my first Rocky Horror public viewing; I was 15. I was cool like Ara's mom was cool, right?
Time to go find a corset.
Was this your first time seeing Rocky live??? Oh, how wonderful! I too was exposed when I was about 12 ~ and it Did corrupt me horribly...horribly and wonderfully and delightfully. Must I spell out that I did a lot as Magenta? >:)
And do people's corsets and thigh-highs languish? Hm... Curious.
I LOVE it, seen it 9 times!!
Ah, the memories of Rocky Horror! Makes me want to bust out and do the time warp again though I don't quite cut the same figure in a corset anymore. (hee hee)
I first saw it at a theater that had a good audience, but I went to one where I was the only, I repeat ONLY one in the theater doing the lines and dancing the time warp, etc. What a drag!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, btw!
Twas a bizarre experience. That much I can say.
Tim Curry is astounding though.
Sounds like so much fun.
You know, I have NEVER seen this! Not sure why. I need to check it out!
i so want to do that!
Glad you had fun!
Sometime when I'm out of town, way out of town, I'd like to experience the Rocky Horror Picture show, it's not the same on late night TV... However, I don't want my daughter to see it until she's at least 31
Tim Curry is a GOD! I also have a push-up bra and thigh high leather boots languishing in my closet. But I don't know if I can fit into my assless chaps anymore.
I remember Susan Sarandon in that movie. The toilet paper and squirt guns...what a show!
A little localized trivia: Kim Cattrall played in the Toronto production of Rocky for many months, and she told me once it was her favorite stage production of all. I can't remember whether or not she kept her clothes on.
hageltOne of my fave movies!!
when i was about 16, my parents (read: my very straight-laced parents) took my twin sister and i to a midnight halloween showing of the rocky horror picture show at one of the old theaters in downtown...complete with full audience participation.
i'll never forget it...seeing my parents letting loose, enjoying the show and all of the audience particpation. it was an amazing thing. :)
would still like to do it again. but of course this time i'd like to participate myself! corsets, here i come!
Hi. I saw you left a comment over on my blog. Thanks for stopping by.
I've never actually seen that movie. I know, its amazing, isnt it?
Yes, I should go.... and I will wear greatly INTERESTING things, and even better, I will bring T and HE will wear a bustiere! ROTFL
I dunno, Pol, T in a bustier strains the limits of my imagination. :)
Rice, you take rice to throw at the screen, a raincoat and a spray bottle of water LOL. I was 18 or 19 when it was first in the theaters and went for the live show, its an experience not to be missed! Really, I am not sure if anything can compare as far as movie participation goes!
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