I'm going to write more about what I was doing on this glorious bee-buzzing apple-laden afternoon a bit later, but I'll leave you with these pictures for the moment.....
Okay. It's later. :)
Here's a link to what I was up to:
I'm mentally scanning a list of friends that might want to get behind this philosophy in oh, let's say, MY garden!
With a good friend by my side, and a huge canvas pouch on my front that made me feel like a kangaroo, I helped pick the gazillions of apples that grew on a mere three trees.
This in an orchard where long lanes of many, many trees populated an enormous meadow.
There were other jobs to do too, if we were willing. There were potatoes to be hoed, blackberries to be picked, and manure to be spread on the garden pathways. The few hours there sped by. I've discovered that I really enjoy outdoor work. Well, as long as the sun is shining and the breeze is cool that is.
It also helped that Fireweed and I had a really good conversation as we picked, and that we were rewarded with fresh-pressed apple cider at work's end, a few of the really good purple grapes that hung from the farmers' fence, and a good haul of apples to take back to the evening's harvest dinner back at the Denman Hall. (Those apples later met their fate in an apple crumble.)
Yum! Apples! And the food looks delicious...can I come eat at your house? Please, Spider?
HOW delightful. And thanks. I needed that.
Aww! That looks marvelous! Love that picture with you and Fireweed!
Cider! Must... have... cider!
Lovely pictures!
We went too :)
There are some picture on my blog if you'd care to see.
Red looks good on you!
Be well
I love these photo posts! You have a lovely eye (and it matches the brilliant blue of the sky too).
autumn sunshine?
Autumn = cold wet misery
still my favourite time of year tho.
Ooooh that's lovely!
I am so hungry for crumble now;)
My grandfather used to have an apple orchard. My mouth waters just looking at those pictures, and remembering the taste of the apples right off the trees - no wax.
Mmmmm, fresh-pressed cider. There's nothing wrong with harming crustaceans. I'm all for it.
That sounds like a lot of fun. Too cool.
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