But, unlike a Victorian melodrama, this week's plot-line consisted mostly of serious back-to-back staff meetings, an allergy flare-up, cleaning out the garage and the like. Hence, I haven't written much.

However, last weekend (and this weekend too! ...but that's another post) redeemed the mundaneness in between by being full of friends and food...and er, fog. Fog can be a marvellous thing when you're out in nature and swathed in it.

We (Kim, Shawn, baby Zoe, Tai, Jeff, and I) took an icy-cold but briskly beautiful walk around the trails at the Airpark last Sunday morning.

Walking in the mist was like being in a watercolour painting. The colours were muted blues and greys and tawny-yellows and ran into one another. The sun hung watery and low with a strange pale light.
It was cold...really cold. And you can't wear your mittens when you're taking pictures....but it was gorgeous.

(Note to self: New drink to love called "London Fog", basically frothed and steamed milk mixed with Earl Grey tea. It wasn't on the menu but they made one for Kim when she asked for it.)
The day before Tai and Jeff and I were out and about buying salmon at Portuguese Joe's

But first we had lunch at Taco Del Mar .
Tai (pictured below shivering in her coat at Taco Del Mar ) proved conclusively that just because a restaurant has fake palm trees and surfing bric-a-brack on the walls doesn't mean you're going to find your inner Baja there. Brrrr!

No, the only antidote to the weather was to get my friend Tai to cook the most colourful dinner she could (pink salmon, bright dill and lemons, orange butternut squash, green beans) and serve it up in my colourful kitchen.

beautiful photos spider! i love the fog too. i think it makes people look more attractive.
You've made me homesick!
I love the walk around the Airpark on those foggy days (regardless of the cold -- stop being BC wimps).
Great pics.
Oh wow,they're all so beautiful!
I love the last one,so cheery:)
That was so much fun...I just love cooking all you guys (and mom!) there's something so comforting and close about watching people you love enjoy something you've done for them.
(So, thanks for letting me use your kitchen! AND, I'd be happy to do that all the time I'm over. Yeah...here's me with bids on getting more invites!)
That fog was pretty outrageous...but it was a nice change from the rain.
hmmm...I meant cooking FOR all you guys.
That little tiny word is SO important in that sentence!
Beautiful pictures. Looks cold, but fun!
Walking in fog is cool. Driving or flying in fog is not.
Lovely pics! ^_^
I love misty days.
I don't love allergy flare-ups.
Those pictures are nice. Thanks for sharing.
You've made me homesick too! And now I'm craving a London Fog - those are yummy aren't they??
Beautiful pictures, my dear, and beautifully written as well. Very lyrical.
"I just love cooking all you guys (and mom!)" -- Tai is displaying some disturbing tendencies. I think I'll be worried it I see her approach me with some lemon juice and pepper.
Ahahahahha! Blackcrag made me laugh out loud! ;D
Beautiful pictures! I especially love the one with the tree and the road.
LOVE LOVE love all the pics! It does look cold there brrrrr
Ooooo many of those photos are so hauntingly beautiful :o)
Dang, I've gotten behind! I'm glad you nudged me, at my blog; I've been so busy at work that i quick-read, then think "I'll comment later..." and then overlook the non-highlighted blogs in Bloglines. I have been reading. Your pix are gorgeous, and kudos to you for the winter walk!
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