This goddess is known as the Heavenly Alarming Female who , according to legend, first began taiko drumming.
Heavenly Alarming Female...I like the ring of that. That's the kind of powerful happy goddess archetype a girl like me likes to identify with.
I liked this Canadian drumming gr
oup a lot. Jeff, me, Kim and baby Zoe heard Uzume Taiko in concert as part of last week's Cumberland Lantern Festival performances.

I missed the flamenco dancers on Monday alas, but I'm glad I didn't miss the Big Drums.
Uzume Taiko was loud, fun, energetic, and combined tradition drumming techniques with their own choreographies, mask work, martial arts and humour.
As well as big drums, gongs, and wooden flutes, this group can also play a mean musical trio with Frying Pans.
And Zoe, aged only eleven months, seemed very pleased with her very first Taiko drum concert. Kim was a little worried Zoe might be fussy, or the drumming might scare her, but on reflection she noted that, as daddy is a musician, Zoe's quite used to musical noise.
Actually, I've seen her with her own drum-sticks in hand...