Ten Things I'm Happy About:
1)The tickets are paid for, the visa applications filled out--we are flying to New Delhi on November 5th for a month in India and Nepal! I'll be travelling again soon!
2)The roofers have arrived and a new roof is going on the house. No more buckets catching the deluge underneath the living room window every time it rains!
3) This time tomorrow I'll be at the spa having a hot-stone massage. A little birthday present to myself.
4) I saw four moons of Jupiter through Kim's telescope the other night. And the bright geography on the face of the full moon. What a gorgeous summer night!
5) My friend Tai is visiting this weekend!
6) I am halfway through writing a short story and so far I'm happy with it. It's a writing game that three friends of mine and I sometimes play.Actually, part of the reason I'm happy maybe is just that we decided to give the writing game another try!The rules this time are I somehow have to use the words shame, well, wine, escape, amplitude and slumgullion.
7) After three months of gardening in someone else's yard instead of my own, I'm finally getting some time in my own. The extra money for the gardening job is nice, but
8) I decluttered the Linen Clost of Doom the other day. My house is about fifty bazillion old sheets and towels lighter.
9) Terri brought me back earrings from Murano for my birthday. The sweetie!
10) I'm happy that I'm off to my birthday dinner at Toscano's! :)