Monday, February 25, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Science for Small People

It's like magic!
Um, I mean, science.
Even if it's the most yawning-est academic lecture that can be: sample title "Beyond the Discourse of Quality to the Discourse of Meaning Making". (I didn't make that up, by the way).
Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I was playing around with Google Earth last night.
First I located my house on the globe ---it's a little spooky still to be able to zoom in to an aerial photo of North America, then British columbia, then Vancouver Island, and then, you know, my street and my house and practically see the car parked in my neighbour's driveway...
Then, using my house as the starting point, I'd spin the global map and land on a faraway city, somewhere I've travelled to, so I could know how many kilometres away (the shortest route, as the crow flies) that place was.
I'm thinking that building a signpost something like the one pictured above would be an interesting addition to the garden.
The results :
Rome: 9033 km London: 7628 km
Nairobi: 14, 353 km Marrakech: 9055 km
Madrid: 8487 km Paris: 7973 km
Dublin: 7216 km
Also, a little closer to home, Vancouver,BC : 145 km
I think I'd probably include Kathmandu, Nepal (10,915 km) and Varanasi, India(11, 238 km) too because Jeff and I are planning on travelling to those this fall.
Hey, if we painted those last two places on our sign, then we'd almost be obligated to definitely go.... yeah... * mentally cementing vacation plans*
Monday, February 11, 2008
Would You Buy a Ticket to My Garden?
I've loved it for six years (longer, if you count me coveting it before the house went up for sale) , and although it doesn't look very much like these pictures right now (being bleedin' February and all) I'm posting them to remind myself that Spring is on its way, and it will soon thrive and bloom and burst out of the mucky ground once again. Well, I'm sure hoping....
I'm especially hoping it will look good, say...oh...the weekend of May 11th. That's the week of one of the Courtenay garden tours.
And *gulp* I'm hoping to be one of the gardens on the tour.
After some soul-searching (and letting the article I cut out of the paper mellow on my desk for about three weeks),I answered an ad in the local paper that read "Gardens Sought for Touring", spoken with two nice representatives of a local garden society in charge of the May fund-raiser tour, and have submitted my garden as one of the candidates.
It's always been a little vainglorious dream of mine to have a flower garden nice enough for people to buy a ticket to see it.
So far I've answered a lot of questions about the kinds of plants I have, the general lay-out of my property, sent them many photos, and now I'm just waiting for a deciding committee member to return from her vacation in Hawaii to pop over to my place and interview my yard in person, and make the decision yay or nay on whether my garden makes the cut.
This means I have until early March to wake up my garden and give it a good talking to---
There's going to be a lot of work involved--I spent five and a half hours out in the drizzle this past weekend weeding and pruning my little heart out. It made quite a difference, I'm pleased to say.
But when ever one thinks that soon droves of horticulturally-minded, possibly critical strangers could be roaming along the flower-beds, one does take a more jaded eye around one's own garden and sees all the things that need doing:
The porch railing that needs painting.... The sad-looking area by the compost that needs re-vamping (I have a plan).... The spot where I yanked out an ailing and ugly shrub last season and the empty spot it left behind that needs filling...
Someone said to me, "Are you sure you want to have all those people tromping through? Are you sure its worth the work?"
Yes! Oh yes! (Um, well, I hope so anyway.)
I remember last spring I had a garage sale just before I left for Italy, and one of the little old ladies who showed up at my sale with three of her elderly friends asked me if they could go on a little tour around my yard. It was so fun, pointing out my favourites, and having them stop and smell roses and exclaim over this and that.
I love going on garden tours myself. I get lots of inspiration from them.
Wish me luck!